Sunday, April 12, 2009


Have you ever seen a turtle get stuck on it's back? As hard as he tries, he just can't seem to get back onto his feet. I have always thought that was funny until I realized I am a turtle right now. I have this huge shell type contraption strapped to my belly (which means the only way I can lay now is on my sides or back) and any time I want to get up off the couch or bed (bedrest) I have to rock and roll and then hoist myself up. There tends to be some grunting and groaning and then some laughter as I catch a glimpse of myself in the full size mirror on my wall, might need to move that. This sweet baby is taking over my body, don't get me wrong I love Camden, but this pregnancy thing is getting old. Honestly, I never wanted to say that because of how hard it was for us to conceive, but I do believe it is God's way of preparing my for motherhood. Me and my sweet boy are fighting over space in this confined body of mine. He is not on the same sleep schedule as me, and boy does he like to STRETCH! I love to put Colin's hand on my belly when Camden is especially active because it absolutely freaks him out. Sometimes my belly has one large hump on the right, sometimes you see an elbow or possible foot/hand brush by, the best is when he just pushes on both sides of my belly. Colin continues to ask what it feels like and it reminds me that this is such a miracle that I get to experience. To carry one of God's most precious gifts, I need to really remember how special this time is. Who knows if I will get this opportunity again?!

So, yesterday on the way home from church Colin and I discussed the sacrifice God made by sending down his only Son for us. I told him I have a whole new perspective now with baby Camden in our family. I can't imagine how hard that must have been to watch, to see your PERFECT Son die on a cross for all of us imperfect people. All along Jesus knew that was his story, He knew each of our names, and He loved us enough to die. What is crazy is He died for this little guy that I haven't even laid eyes on yet. He also knows everything about my son. My prayer has been that I can raise this child in God's plan and not mine, I have thanked God for allowing me to raise His child, and pray that I can be an example of Jesus to Camden in my life.

All this to say, Happy Easter from this turtle in Kentucky! Love you guys.


Mama Smors said...

you are funny!! i remember the rock and hoist~ haha! i was worried about you, my friend, when i saw you and your whole family leave church. i assume everything is okay now that you have blogged. you are in my prayers as you finish this last stretch of pregnancy. before long you will be holding your sweet camden!

Nathan and Stefany Head said...

you're the cutest little turtle i know, friend! :) wish i could be hanging out with you this week.... believe me! :)

Chris said...

Hey, your baby room is so cute, we're excited for you guys!!!

We are doing an IVF round starting this week. Amy goes off the birth control on Tuesday I think and starts the next round of medication Wednesday, yeah!!.

Take care,