Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Heart Check

I love reading other peoples blogs. I have a list of 12 in my favorites that I go through at least every other day. Today I got onto a blog called "Bloom." This is a blog created by two women and they discuss books via video/writing. They are in the process of reading Francis Chan's Crazy Love and in Chapter four had a guest blogger. I am going to put the link to his blog and I ask you if you world is rocked because mine was. I don't want to be lukewarm.....
(cut and paste this into your web browser, i can't get the link to work)

Let me know your thoughts....

1 comment:

Nathan and Stefany Head said...

Gulp. Hard to swallow. Feel like I just got hit in the gut.

Maybe we should look into reading this book to get some more insight and challenge?

Following Jesus is so simple... yet so impossible if we try to do it on our own, without surrendering to his Spirit. I think that's where I get stuck.