Traning for the mini has been going well. My left knee is starting to ache, but hey I am sure they aren't used to me running. I am borrowing my mom's knee brace, taking fish oil, and putting heat on my knees at night. Please pray they hold up, I really want to Run for the Refuge. This amazing group of people created The Refuge to help women get out of the exotic dancing industry. They will house women for a complete year, help them acquire skills to obtain a job and live independently out of the clubs. YES! I really want to raise money to help these amazing women.
Camden has been busy over the last few weeks too. He is on all fours rocking back and forth and has "crawled" a few times. He will be on the move so soon, and my life is about to change drastically. He has been saying "momma" and also "talking," he is passionate about what he is saying, I just don't know what it is quite yet. Probably "mommy and daddy are the best, and I love you." He has been trying all kinds of foods and really decreasing the amount of formula he takes. (I did ask the dr at our last appt and he said Camden didn't look like he was hurting from the lack of formula and stated he is eating people food. Why when they say the obvious does it seem so simple, I make it so complicated). He loves Sampson and has some great friends already. We are still loving life with our little guy. Enjoy the pictures....
girl, he will start doing sooooo much in the next few weeks! that's what happened with popo! all in one month she started full-on crawling, got two teeth and saying mama and dada and bye bye!!!!! its crazy! i need to update my blog now! just realized that i haven't posted that stuff! love ya!
love me some baby cam! :) so proud of you for running, girl!!!!
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