Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Acorns Tutorial

I am posting this tutorial for my blogger friend Amber. I never thought to post a step by step on how I made my little sign. Next time I will take pictures, and after taking the pictures do my best to post those on my blog along with the steps. I am not good at doing both pictures and steps...I still need to do my post on the cute cupcake ice cream cones from St Patrick's Day. (sorry). sign. This was my inspiration....the one that says Jack
1. I bought a canvas from Hobby Lobby (I wish I could tell you the size, rectangle...I am in my room right now since we are hosting a high school ministry home was $8)
2. I painted my canvas with a light coat of white paint (left over from our trip work in the dining room)
3. I let the white dry for a few hours then took out my ruler. I measured two inches from the outside of the canvas and created the rectangle in the middle...where the acorns is written. I bought a dark brown paint at Walmart and used a thin paintbrush to outline the rectangle.
4. I drew my circles next and used a paint we have in our living room to fill those in. I then walked away from my are project for few hours. I didn't like how the circles were flat and didn't "pop" off the canvas. So I took a nap :)
5. After my beauty rest I decided to take the dark brown and white and mix them together to add the depth to the circles....and I also mixed up the plain white rectangle.
6. Now my piece of work was ready for the Cricut to work its magic. I decided to use the 3" lettering, on dark brown cardstock. I typed in acorns and hit cut. It is that easy....I had my letters...again, I needed more, more depth. So I found a dark green cardstock and "shadowed" my previous cut. You may not be able to see the shadow in the picture in my previous post.
7. Finally, while at Hobby Lobby I decided the edges of the canvas needed some love, so I found that oh so cute brown and white polka dot ribbon and glued it on. I also found the amazing little tree I glued onto the canvas. As they say out of the acorn grows the mighty oak...I am so happy that I get to be a tiny part of their life.

I hope that this makes sense without all the may be confusing. My next project is the family rules. I want to make this and put it on my mantel. I am thinking less pastel...but this is so cute. What would you put on your family rules canvas..... Here is what I am thinking.

Then if I am feeling really crazy, I may jump on the classroom rules canvas....I would hang this behind my desk.
Gosh, this is a really long post, I can't tell you how good it feels to work on these projects and to have down time to make these creations. I turn on my Tomlin Pandora and just go nuts.

1 comment:

Amber said...

Thanks Emily! it doesn't sound to hard and I think you did a great job explaining. Might have to give it a try myself and I LOVE your house rules! Please keeps us updated with your super cute ideas! If I get to do one I will try to post mine =)