"If you are honest, trustworthy, caring, loving, self-disciplined, and God fearing, your boys will be influenced by those traits as they age. If you are deeply committed to Jesus Christ and live by biblical principles, your children will probably follow in your footsteps. So much depends on what they observe in you, for better or worse."
"Children may not remember what you say, but they are usually impacted for life by what you do."
This last chapter was about Fathers and Sons. (no worries the next chapter is for me). Dobson addressed the fathers that our kids see on TV and how there is no real Godly example of how a father should be. He mentioned the Cosby show....that was a long time ago. I think of the many shows that are on right now and how they don't have the father serve as the family provider, serve as the leader of the clan, serve as the protector, or provide spiritual direction in the home. Dobson says as a result of this skewed vision on fathers...many boys have a poor concept of what they are supposed to do or how to get it done. Not only do you see this poor display of dads on TV, but sadly it is everywhere. It is heart breaking.
Please know we are not perfect and we never will be. My prayer is that God give us wisdom in raising Camden to be a Godly man, to be God-fearing, and a leader. Our prayer is that He follow God's plan for his life. I have even prayed for his wife (if he were to marry). As I read I become more and more overwhelmed with this responsibility of being a mom....but am constantly reminded that I am not alone. I have an amazing husband, my dad, and God to walk through this with me. I don't know what it is like to be a boy....but Colin and dad do. They have already made an impact on our sweet boys life. Da Da and DD you are the best.
Love ya.