Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Raising Boys

I bought the book Raising Boys by James Dobson months ago. I had been reading it right before bed and for some reason I just stoppped...maybe Amazing Race, DWTS, 24, LOST, Flashforward had something to do with that. (I may have too many shows....DVR). I also got into a few other books along the way, so I tried to have an upstiars book and a downstairs book...no luck. Now that I have finished Donald Miller, I am moving back in to James Dobson. I have read a few chapters so far and it is very enlightening...mainly because I am not a boy. Surprise! I am not usually a fan of statistics and facts, but since this directly relates to me I am very interested. Growing up I always wanted boys because I knew how dramatic and crazy girls were...because I was that girl. Surprise! Now that I am reading this book, I am seeing a picture of how boys are wired. Boys need love and security. Boys need their dads. Boys are going to rough house. Boys are going to push the limits. Boys are messy. (I added that one). I am learning to embrace the sweet boy I have. I am giving him lots of love and I am giving him boundaries and letting him explore. MOST importantly this boy LOVES his daddy. He lights up when Colin comes in. He wants to get on his shoulders and rub his buzzed head. He wants to wrestle on the floor. He gives Colin hugs (Camden does the lean in when he wants to show you love). Colin is a very involved and loving father. I love to watch the two of them interact because they both light up. They need each other. I am so thankful for my husband and the roll he has embraced as dad. I have fallen in love with him all over again through the last year. I am so proud of my boys.

1 comment:

Amber said...

This brings tears to my eyes. Bennett has only been in this world 6 1/2 weeks, but I feel the same way about how Sam has embraced being a dad. It is challenging, but he loves him so much. Side note: I'll have to get the book too.