Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I am still reading my book about boys and am finding it so informative. For one, I am not a boy, so I am learning what to expect in raising a little guy. Two, this world is all about women. Women and men could say or do similar things, and men would be punished and women would be considered comedians. I am floored that there really aren't any shows on TV that depict men as masuline, leaders of their homes, biblical, role models. I am all about women being successful, but I am also about the male being the leader of the home, the bread winner. I want Camden to learn how to treat women with respect, open doors, use kind words and actions. We are already teaching Camden now about how to be nice to mommy and his friends that are girls. If he hits me, we take a firm grasp on his hand and look him in the eye and tell him not to hit mommy. I want Camden to be a gentleman, I want people to look to him as a role model, as a person who will stand up for them. I want him to see the good in people. I pray that God put Godly men in his path as he grows up. He has an amazing Great-Papa, Grandaddy, Grandpa, Uncle, Dad, ect but I want him to be surrounded with coaches, friends, ect that can help us raise him. I am realizing how much of a responsibility parenting is, and I know that God is the greatest example to follow. I hope to teach Camden to ultimately love God and love people.

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