Sunday, August 19, 2012


First off I just want to tell you how incredibly loved both Colin and I feel from the outpouring of prayers of support.  You all are amazing...because of you we are almost halfway to our goal (if we exceed our goal we will help pay for another persons spot on the trip to Indonesia...wouldn't that be cool).  Thank you, thank you, thank you

I am thankful for people who text, call, or check in to see how I am feeling.  I am thankful for people who just want to run with me so I don't have to train alone.  I am thankful that my body is holding up. I am thankful for cooler temps.  I am thankful for good shoes that keep my feet from blistering. I am thankful for David Crowder and Matt Redman's new albums. I am thankful for water and protein bars. I am thankful for this trip that Colin is about to take and the reason it gives me to run.  I am thankful that I can run....and because I can run, I will run! I will finish.

1.  My run on Friday was HOT and my body felt so heavy. My feet felt like cement blocks and i wanted to turn around and go home. For some reason, I crossed the street and continued my four mile run....that was totally prayer.
2.  This is so mental....pray that I can focus on others during my runs. If I focus on me, my brain and body tell me "I can't do it"...this is a lie. Pray I can focus on the lyrics of the music I am listening to. Focus on the people of Indonesia. Focus on Colin and this trip. Pray that it isn't about me.

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