playing around
Oh my goodness, love that sweet face
Well, our little guy is officially nine weeks. I can't believe it! Where has the time gone? I am still anxiously anticipating him to smile when I talk to him (he is smiling just not at anything or anyone in particular....mainly like his daddy when he passes gas). He has been out and about more and more over the last week. We went to chuch, a few cookouts, the mall, and tonight he is going to his first Who's in the House production (it's the VBS program our church puts on for the WHOLE family). He is cooing more and more, and I swear to you he is about to turn over. (he is one strong little guy).
We had his doctor's appointment yesterday. I must be honest, I get a little nervous when I go to the Dr with him. The last few times we have left with a glow in the dark blanket and a scheduled surgery at UK Children's Hospital! (they take such good care of us). We are happy to report that Camden now weighs 10 pounds, 10 ounces (24th percentile), and he is 23.5 inches long (66th percentile), he must get that from Uncle Mac....who knows? He is also startin to cry real tears. When he first cried nothing came out, but now he has full fledged tears to accompany that cute little birdy pirch of a lip.
The worst part of yesterday where the three injections that came at the end of the appointment. I really do believe it is harder on the parents at this time (not too sure when he is 2 or 3). He was just sitting on the table minding his own business and wabow, there came the first poke, then second, then third and the entire time my sweet boy was looking at me like, "What the crap mom?" Colin scooped him up (sporting his three flourecent bandaids) and handing him over to me where I held him and just let him cry, to the point of me getting teary eyed. We believe this is what is best for him and he has done really well up until now just running a low grade fever. (he loves his Tylenol Ali).
So all this to say....Happy 9 Weeks buddy, you are sooooooooooooooooooooo loved!
Yes, happy 9 weeks, sweet Cam! Jordan says hello! (and Jordan also hates needles.... seriously, whoever invented those... not cool.)
What sweet pictures!
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