Monday, July 6, 2009


I had the opportunity to get two make-overs today. One is a trial run for the wedding and the other was a fun girls night out. I am not naming which one I like the best or where the makeovers are from....I just want to know which one you think I should go with for the wedding????? A or honest. Girls, it was so much fun spending time with you all, I love ya. (if you read this and haven't commented before....I need your comments now!)




Nana said...

You look gorgeous in both but I'm voting "B". I like the lipstick!

Nathan and Stefany Head said...

i'm voting a. :)

Leigh said...

I vote "b"...beautiful.

Sarah said...

I am going with B! You look great in both though

Mama Smors said...

You are beautiful :) I vote b. I like the lipstick!!!

Dom said...

I'm voting for "B" too.