Monday, May 10, 2010


(we may need to get a more recent picture mom!)

Thank you so much for all the book suggestions, especially the one in Japanese, I am gonna run out and get that one right away. (what is that anyway?) I was reminded I have a great book on my nightstand right now...Raising Boys. I am going to finish that one and then move onto Jen and Kendra's suggestions....thank you so much friends.

This weekend we celebrated Mother's Day. I am a lucky girl because I have been blessed with an amazing mother. She has been my biggest fan (most of the time, I did give her a few reasons not to cheer throughout the years). She is one of the first people I call in any circumstance and on any given day. She laughs with me, and has cried with me a few times (she is s a tough cookie). Now being a mom myself, I don't know how she did it with such grace and confidence. I never once questioned my mom's authority, what mom said went. I believed (and maybe still believe) so many things she told me. Some true, some not so much.

1. The pink panther isulation when touched will make you itch for the rest of your life.

2. Big wheels are not supposed to have loud clickie things on the wheels

3. She was in the group the Lovin' Spoonfuls (sp)

4. I can cook...ha, sorry mom I didn't get that gene.

5. If you ask if someone can spend the night in front of that person it is an automatic NO!

I hope to add a few more throughout the weeks...she was good.

My mom always led aerobics in our living room, blew bubbles with us on the front porch, and let us crawl up in her lap. She knew that a cookie and Sprite would heal anything, she laid in bed with me for an entire day while I cried over my first breakup, and she prayed with me during our battle with infertility. My mom is the best. I am so thankful God gave me Trish Baxter. I love you mom!

1 comment:

Nathan and Stefany Head said...

how sweet! i love your momma too! :)