Wednesday, April 14, 2010


In Donald Miller's book he says, "We do get to edit life. It's a fake life, but maybe we will learn something we can apply to our real lives." In this book he is approached by two cinematographersabout making a movie about his life (a previous book he has written....does anyone know if it is Blue Like Jazz?) He is told that his life is too boring to translate from the book to the screen and that they need to build a story that when the credits roll people will feel satisfied. This made me think about my life.....what would I edit? (by no means am I making a movie, don't worry).

My first edit would definately be college. I could have had such a different experience had I been focused on what was true. I was chasing after the next best thing...out there to have fun with wreckless abandon. I don't know how my parents didn't kill me during that time (I attended 4 colleges in KY before graduating....I really missed out on true friendships because I was so selfish). I was on the fence one day sold out to Jesus the next partying. I wish I could go back and edit 18-22.

I loved high school. I had amazing friends in high school, but I was dating a boy very seriously and we were going to get married. I was so involved in that relationship that I let so many people go. Because I was so focused on this boy, I lost my friends. I don't blame them. I was only giving them 5%, while they tried to be my friend. I am sad that I don't have the connection with them now. I see on Facebook they are still really close and involved in each others lives. I would definatly focus more on friends in high school.

Middle school....I wouldn't go back there for anything!

Childhood is full of great memories. I was raised in a neighborhood full of girls. Nakomi was the place to be. I enjoyed riding my bike, playing house, Price is Right board game....and more importantly when I think back to Nakomi I feel safe and loved. My mom and dad were always around and I had no doubt they loved me. We ate dinner together as a tried to start a family game night, I think that lasted two weeks...I didn't like Chinese Checkers. If I could edit my childhood I would take away when my Grandaddy died. After his death, I started to fear death. Like really, really, really fear death. It got really bad....I feel bad about what I put my parents through during that time. They stood by me during my many "attacks" but I am sure I drove them nuts!

I am out of order now...but my 20's I think I would edit a really bad relationship. I don't even what to get into it here, but I am so thankful that I got out of it, and eventually met my husband. I started to really turn my life towards God during my 20's. I was so curious about faith and a relationship with God. I turned my life around, and sadly the few friends I had in college I had to take a break from. I needed to heal, be still, and focus on me. I am sad about those friendships too, they are all really close, I see it on FB. They are great people, I just wasn't good to them.

My 20's did bring me my husband, an amazing man and friend. My relationship with restored with Jesus (thank you for grace....), a marriage, a move, and so many adventures. The fear of death still rears its ugly head, but I claim God's promises (and take some meds), and can beat them. My 20's make me smile, but I do have quite a few edits.

30's brought our battle with infertility and I wouldn't change a thing. This time was priceless for Colin and I and our relationship with each other and God. It was so hard, lots of tears....but the story God wrote is one of HOPE! I love looking back at that time, knowing His hand was on us and he was with us. Plus we have a sweet, almost one year old now. Thank you God for the amazing gift of family....and Camden. I think that I hear my little man now....sorry this is so disconnected, I never claimed to be a writer.

Jeramiah 29:11
I'll show up and take care of you as I promised and bring you back home. I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.


1 comment:

Amber said...

It was wonderful!! I just found your blog.
I too enjoyed the book and think your post is an excellent way to apply it. thanks emily