I started reading Donald Miller's A Million Miles and a Thousand Years today. It is all about your story and living a life that has meaning. When you reach Heaven you can sit down with Jesus and have a conversation about impact, truth, authenticity, a real true life lived. I don't want to go to Heaven and have a few memories I can pull that have meaning, and then sit in silence with my creator. I want to live a life of purpose. I don't want to tell him about paying off my truck, painting my garage, piano lessons, and how it took me a year to lose baby weight. I want to tell him a story of love of Him and love of other people. I don't want to focus on the earthly things, I want to focus on what HE sees, I want His eyes. I want His heart....
I have made it to Chapter two and love how Miller writes. He tends to go on these random tangents....similar to something I would do. I will keep ya posted. I have missed these early mornings, but Camden is so unpredictable these days. He wakes up anywhere between 7-8. I try to be up at 7, but sometimes only get 15 minutes of reading in and no time for putting thoughts down. Boo!! However, I LOVE my boy and he is always so happy to see me. Speaking of my family...above are some pics my friend Jackie took at Waveland for us. She is so talented. Thanks friend.
Here is a link to Donald Miller's blog and the weekend he spoke at our church:
http://donmilleris.com/ (Blog)
i have that book i have yet to read it though but i can't wait to!
how did i miss these sweet pictures of your family!!!
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