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Make a Smilebox photobook |
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Pediatrcians office.....times three
On Friday, we had the opportunity to take our little bundle of joy his first Dr's appointment. We have decided to go with PAA (http://www.paalex.com/index.shtml) They are the best! We made an early appointment thinking that it would fit into our little guys feeding schedule, however we quickly realized there isn't much of a schedule on your third day out of the womb!
We met with Dr. Gore and he was wonderful. Filtering all of my nervous, new mother random, weak questions. He discussed how Camden was not 6 pounds 8 ounces and his jaundice levels were 16.7. He was not concerned, but knew that we needed to take home this cool contraption called the Billy Blanket. It's essentially a little device that Camden laid on for the next day (whenever he wasn't feeding) that had LED lights on it. It was about the size of a mousepad, and Camden seemed to really enjoy it! He was our little glow-worm. Dr. Gore added that he wanted to see us again the following morning (Saturday, awesome Dr's office people) to recheck weight and jaundice levels. We went home feeling good about our appointment and ready to hook up our little glow worm. (Colin was so sweet and left work to meet me at the Dr's office, he is really busy with work and his heart really wants to be home with us).
On Saturday morning, the three of us packed up and headed back to see Dr. Gore. The appointment didn't start out well as we were strictly on breastmilk (still hadn't pumped or didn't know how to pump) and it was time to eat. Camden was not happy. He also had to get another heel prick to test his jaundice levels. Camden was not happy. He also had to be stripped down naked to be weighed, and you guessed it.....Camden was not happy. Following all of our little guys labs Dr Gore came in with the results. He was very thankful that we had started the Billy Blanket the day before because his jaundice level had shot of to 20 and he had dropped in weight again....he was 6 pounds, 2 ounces......Mommy was not happy. I was devastated! I felt like I had failed my little boy, this little gift that God had entrusted us with. I managed to hold it together until we got back to the car. I did have to check out and make another appointment for the following day (SUNDAY, again, awesome Dr's office). I cried the whole way home, I cried and cried and cried. Sometimes it's just good to get that out. We also made the decision that Camden was going to attend the Golden Corral Breastmilk Buffet over the next day and supplement with formula when needed. I also started pumping each of his meals so we knew exactly how much our little guy was taking in. AND on Sunday when we went to the Dr.......
Camden had gained 5 1/2 ounces and his jaundice levels had lowered. No more Billy Blanket and a continued trip to the Breastmilk Buffet. Whew....Colin and I were so happy that our little guy was coming around, and that we had somewhat of a schedule in place. Today Camden is continuing to enjoy eating, pooping, peeing (in his diaper and on himself, point the penis down girls when you diaper him up), and sleeping. I am enjoying the time I get to spend with him at home.....and the night feeding aren't too bad. I have my ipod home set up in his nursery and at the midnight, 3, and 6 feeding we listen to worship music together. I would sing to him, but I would like him to relax and eventually go back to sleep.
All in all we are good....celebrating Camden's 1 week Birthday today! Can't believe it, our little guy is growing up so fast :) Tomorrow I have some pictures of family and friends who have been by to meet baby Camden.
Love you guys.
Monday, April 27, 2009
The Rest of the Story.....
My little guy is snug as a bug in his pack-n-play or pack-in-play (hmm) behind me and I decided I needed to update everyone with the rest of the story. I left you off with our little guy making his big debut into the world. When the neo-natal nurse checked Camden out for the first time they realized he was grunting and not breathing well, so after a quick snuggle from mom and dad they whisked him away to care for his little "grunts." It ended up that the grunting was not the only little bump, baby Camden also had some low blood sugar. The nursery was amazing and took such good care of my little guy. I always told Colin if he left me to follow our new baby to the nursery I would knock him out. I have a thing about being alone, I love to be surrounded by people. When the time came for Camden to leave the room and head to the nursery I insisted that Colin leave me and stay close to our son. My mind quickly switched gears, it was not longer about me.....When I was tranferred from Labor/Delivery to Post-Partom (again have know idea how to spell) they took me by the nursery where I got to touch my sweet boys little foot. They assured me that he would be down to our room soon, but that Colin and I were the only ones to hold him that evening due to the ensuing grunts.
We enjoyed our first moments with Camden. I cried and laughed and just memorized every line on his little face. He absolutely blew me away. He was and is perfect. This child is such a gift and miracle and I finally had him in my arms. The next few days were spent learning how to care for this precious gift, enjoying family and friends, and trying to sleep. (hahahaha).
On Thursday, April 23rd we were awakened at 7am by every Dr in the hospital (pediatrician, OB, nurses, administration) in order to start the check out process. I mean, they were preparing to send us home with this tiny baby, without a nurse......I was so nervous. Colin's qoute for his spastic wife has been and continues to be......"God wouldn't have given us this sweet child if he didn't entrust us with his life. Use your mind and your heart to guide you in each decision and remember we don't get any of these days back, soak them up." He continues to tell me that each day and I also claim Phillipians 4:6....."do not worry, pray."
When we arrived HOME, my mom and dad were here and helped us all get settled. I think I cry every time I hold and look into Camden's eyes (or write about it). This emotion, this love is so much more then I could ever imagine. This little life, God's child is in our care. We have been called to raise him, we have been called to guide him in God's will for his life. We are so blessed.
Tomorrow I plan on blogging about our first THREE doctor's appointments. Yes, three. Just know that we are all happy and healthy and that PAA (pediatricians) are AMAZING!
(Guess who else is STILL amazing....my MOMMA. She spent the night with me on our first night home so Colin could sleep and get to work Friday. She is the best! I love you momma. Love you guys.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Focal Point...
Deuteronomy 31:8 (New International Version)
8 The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
8 The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
I typed and posted this bible verse as a focal point during labor and delivery. Having that promise, my sweet husband, and some awesome worship music made this an unforgettable experience where I trusted God completely . What a miracle he has given us. We are forvever grateful.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
We did it!
So, so, so sorry that it has taken us this long to catch you up on the Stout FAMILY! On Monday night when we went into the hospital at 8 pm to be induced we found out that we were in labor! When our nurse hooked me up to the monitor she asked me if I felt any contractions. I looked at her like she was crazy, last time I heard those were pretty painful. She also reported that I was dialated 3cm and 50% effaced. So, the "plan" we had which included a full nights sleep changed a wee bit. I jumped in the shower and then put my game face on. Colin and I were in and out of sleep most of the night, and then around 3:30 in the morning our nurse came in and informed us that Pat Duff (the anesthesioligist, sp) was going in soon for two C-sections and he was heading our way to start our epidural. The epidural itself was not bad at all (Pat Duff is the miracle man and hooked me up with some great pain free labor/delivery), however the medicine caused my pressure to drop drastically (espcially since it had been so high) and I got nauseus and a little loopy. I mean it is really weird to have your legs totally numb and not be able to move them....my nurse and Pat gave me a quick shot of something and my body responded really well and I had to sleep. We were in and out of sleep until around 7 and then Colin helped me wash my face and put some make-up on for the upcoming photo shoot. It was a long morning but we speant it with my mom, dad, Mac, and Whitney. I also got a very special visit from my dear friend Jess Cornett. She was there super early and also made us an incredible worship CD to listen to during labor. At lunch we cleared the room because I got nauseus again and started getting a pretty bad headache. My husband was so amazing during this time. We had on our music, I had a scripture focal point and the best man in the world instructing me when a contraction was coming and when I needed to breathe and just cheering me on and loving me during this incredible moment. We kept creeping up in cm and effacement and finally by 4 it seemed that every nurse had entered our room. They were warming up the baby bed! At 4:15 it was go time and at 4:56 our 7 pound, 21.5 in Camden Wade Stout entered the world. I have to go right now and tend to my beautiful son, the rest of the story later. Enjoy the pictures of our family.
Monday, April 20, 2009
It's TIME!!!
Well our Dr's appointment went really well this morning. No amnio (answered prayer), and we head to the hospital tonight for a good nights rest and induced in the morning! I can't believe it, I will see my sweet son tomorrow! Please keep us in your prayers, so sorry for the short post, and I can't promise anything tomorrow. (maybe Colin will do one of his comical posts). Love you guys and next time I sign in, I will be a mom!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
First off, thank you for all the encouraging words, phone calls, posts, and most importantly prayers. It is so cool how God provides stories and people who have walked in these same shoes, and they can be an encouragement to me. Well, last night around 7:00 Colin and I walked into SJE for some more lab work. Dr. Butler just wanted to make sure my labs were staying the same and not getting worse. We had the best nurses ever, and our favorite nurse Jennafer stopped by to check on us (she is Dr. B's office nurse). We got hooked up to the monitor where Camden went crazy, moving all over the place. They checked my pee and blood and I had traces of protein (not bad), and they kept checking my BP. It was high when I was on my back, but as soon as I went on my side it shot down. All good! The nurse called Dr Butler and he gave us some advice. He sent me home with 2 perkisets (sp) to hopefully help my annoying headache, he also told us he was leaning more and more to the amnio, and that he would see us on Monday morning. At one point, Colin and I thought that we were not leaving the hospital without carrying our little boy. When I was signing the release papers Debbie our nurse said we will be seeing you sooner than later! As we drove home around 9:00 (not bad, they were super speedy and efficient), we decided we were going to go ahead and do an amnio. My friend Leann talked to me about the procedure, and she said it was simple. If the lungs are developed I guess the next step would be induction and hopefully meeting our little guy. I am in the process of making some focal points for me during delivery. I think I am going to use the scripture I posted yesterday, does anyone else have any other suggestions. I just decided that what better focal point then promises and truth from God. Another great suggestion my friend Leann gave me was to put a stuffed animal in Camden's little bed, so if he's in the nursery when friends and family stop by, we can say our son is the one with the bulldog webkin (of course). We love you guys and promise to keep you posted. Thanks again for your prayers, and really taking the time to love on us!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
ummmmm, I shouldn't have read that
So every Saturday I have enjoyed my Babyzone pregnancy updates. They tell you all about baby, what tasks I should tackle that week, and other pertinent information. Well, this weekend I open up my 37th week of pregnancy and there is a big excerpt on Pre-eeclamsia and Pregnancy Induced Hyper-Tension.....here is what it said to your dear hypo-chondriatic friend:
Reasons for Inducing LaborThe baby's health: Your healthcare provider will carefully monitor your baby-to-be's health throughout pregnancy. If your provider suspects something threatens your baby's progress—for instance, the placenta doesn't seem to be providing enough nourishment—he or she may recommend an induced labor.
The mother's health: Several high-risk conditions—such as gestational diabetes—may make it necessary to induce. Again, your doctor will monitor your pregnancy for potential problems.
One condition which sometimes necessitates an early delivery is preeclampsia (also called toxemia or pregnancy-induced hypertension [PIH]). This complication occurs in 10 percent of pregnancies according to the Preeclampsia Foundation. "The specific risk in preeclampsia is that the hypertension can progress to cause seizures and other severe neurologic complications, including stroke," explains Dr. William Camann, MD, director of obstetric anesthesia at the Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, and coauthor of Easy Labor.
Dr. Camann goes on to explain, "For baby, as the mother's blood pressure goes up [with PIH], the blood flow to the uterus and baby can go down. Thus, the baby can have consequences from too little blood flow and decreased oxygenation."
The mother's health: Several high-risk conditions—such as gestational diabetes—may make it necessary to induce. Again, your doctor will monitor your pregnancy for potential problems.
One condition which sometimes necessitates an early delivery is preeclampsia (also called toxemia or pregnancy-induced hypertension [PIH]). This complication occurs in 10 percent of pregnancies according to the Preeclampsia Foundation. "The specific risk in preeclampsia is that the hypertension can progress to cause seizures and other severe neurologic complications, including stroke," explains Dr. William Camann, MD, director of obstetric anesthesia at the Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, and coauthor of Easy Labor.
Dr. Camann goes on to explain, "For baby, as the mother's blood pressure goes up [with PIH], the blood flow to the uterus and baby can go down. Thus, the baby can have consequences from too little blood flow and decreased oxygenation."
Really, really, really? So these headaches and my eyes feeling like they are going to pop out are for good reason? What I am trying to say is that I totally trust Dr. Butler and I know if I were to call him at any time, I would be in his care immediately. The best promise is that God, the great Physician is in control and knows baby Camden's exact debut into the world. I need to let go of these worries and hold true to God's promise that He won't let go, and He will take the best care of me.
Deuteronomy 31:8 (New International Version)
8 The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
8 The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
Love you guys!
PS I am a little scared so please be praying I can really believe and claim that scripture. So many unknowns. I am praying for a quick, healthy delivery. I am praying that baby Camden can be with us immediately and not have to go to the NICU for any reason. (Dr B said if he came early his lungs may need more time to develop). Oh, pray I will be a nice person to Colin and anyone around me when I am in pain....not my strong suit.Friday, April 17, 2009
37 weeks
Well this week we had to visit the Doctor a mere three times. On Monday, we saw Dr. Campbell and got a decent report. On Wednesday, I felt terrible, headache, seeing sparkles, ect. All reasons to call in, so we did. Colin and I met up with Dr. Butler at 1:30, where he ran some labs, checked on Camden and walked us through some options. He knows that I am starting to move towards pre-eclampsia and away from pregnancy induced hyper tension. He is totally on the fence because the only symptoms are coming from me...labs are normal. I promise this is not a hypochondriac moment for me, the headaches and sparkles are real! We had to conduct our own 24 hour urine test from home (very exciting) where is evaluating protein in my urine. Here is what we know so far:
1. If I am done Dr Butler said he would be will to do an amnio at this point to check on Camden's lung development and take my sweet boy. (We definately don't want to do an amnio and are praying that this isn't the route we take)
2. Continue to monitor me 2-3 times a week and once I go into pre-eclampsia, game over time to meet the boy
3. Get to 39 weeks and then induce or c-section.
It looks as if we will be meeting our sweet boy in two weeks at the most. I am more than ready. I have been sleeping much bettter due to my prescription of Ambien. Plus my husband has been amazing over the past few days since my mom and dad have had some fun together in Chicago. Colin has spent the last two days at the Dr's office with me and working from home. The best part is he helped cart around my jug of pee on ice all day yesterday....I was very fashionable and had it in my Henry Brown Bag. What our sweet husbands do for love.
My friend Stef reminded me of this verse the other day and I can't get it out of my head.
1. If I am done Dr Butler said he would be will to do an amnio at this point to check on Camden's lung development and take my sweet boy. (We definately don't want to do an amnio and are praying that this isn't the route we take)
2. Continue to monitor me 2-3 times a week and once I go into pre-eclampsia, game over time to meet the boy
3. Get to 39 weeks and then induce or c-section.
It looks as if we will be meeting our sweet boy in two weeks at the most. I am more than ready. I have been sleeping much bettter due to my prescription of Ambien. Plus my husband has been amazing over the past few days since my mom and dad have had some fun together in Chicago. Colin has spent the last two days at the Dr's office with me and working from home. The best part is he helped cart around my jug of pee on ice all day yesterday....I was very fashionable and had it in my Henry Brown Bag. What our sweet husbands do for love.
My friend Stef reminded me of this verse the other day and I can't get it out of my head.
Phillipians 4:6-7
6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Dr's Report...
My sweet dad took me to the Doctor again today (Colin just can't get away from work for these BP checks/monitoring). He picked me up at 8:30 and we were off. Dr. Butler gets back tomorrow so I got to see his partner again today. She has taken great care of me, and I really appreciate her. Can I tell you how excited I am that Butler is back tomorrow??? So, to the appointment, BP was OK, not great but I did pass. Then I was on the monitors for 20 minutes. Well sweet stubborn Camden didn't really like being on the monitors and he was very active, so much so that it was hard to trace his heartbeat consistently. So my 20 minutes on the monitor turned into an hour. All was good with my little guy, and Dr. Campbell said to continue on my BP meds, and to come back in on Thursday. She mentioned that my symptoms of pregnancy induced hyper tension would start getting worse and they would try to keep Camden put until 38 weeks. As I sat on the exam table and did the math in my head....I got a little dizzy. OK, this Thursday is 37 and that makes next Thursday......38. Next Thursday, I could be holding my sweet little boy?!?! We are anxious about meeting with Dr. Butler on Thursday to pick his brain about his prediction on delivery, induce or c-section?!?! I can't believe this is really happening. I am ready either way, I am willing to stay put on the couch until week 40 or I am ready to look my little guy in the eyes and tell him how much we love him and how hard we prayed for that exact moment.
What is crazy about next Thursday is that my dear friend Stef is adopting from Ethiopia and her court date is that day. So I could be bringing Camden into the world, and across the world baby Jordan would officially become Nate and Stef's son. Talk about God's timing, and God's perfect plan.....Stef and I have been walking through infertility for the past three years together. Attending each others Dr's appointments, crying, laughing, praying....and now, I am speechless at God's goodness. We also got to celebrate sweet baby Jordan this weekend at Stef's shower. (see pix above). It was an awesome time to love on Stef. You will see in the picture our other Baby Buddy, Nakada. She is the incredible mommy of Sophie and Riley. She returned to work today for the first time since November. I am so proud of her. I talked my dad into swinging by WLEX to take her some coffee and donuts and give her a big squeeze. She is the best momma ever!!
Enough....Good grief a bit long winded. I could keep going, but then I wouldn't have anything to write about tomorrow. Pray for my mom, dad, Jan and Jim tomorrow they are traveling to Chicago for a few days to get away and shop and eat. I am also praying that sweet baby Camden stays put so they can enjoy their trip and not have to rush back. I am also going to have a few long days without my momma being here. Both Mom and Dad have taken such good care of me, but they definately need to get out of here and have fun!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Have you ever seen a turtle get stuck on it's back? As hard as he tries, he just can't seem to get back onto his feet. I have always thought that was funny until I realized I am a turtle right now. I have this huge shell type contraption strapped to my belly (which means the only way I can lay now is on my sides or back) and any time I want to get up off the couch or bed (bedrest) I have to rock and roll and then hoist myself up. There tends to be some grunting and groaning and then some laughter as I catch a glimpse of myself in the full size mirror on my wall, might need to move that. This sweet baby is taking over my body, don't get me wrong I love Camden, but this pregnancy thing is getting old. Honestly, I never wanted to say that because of how hard it was for us to conceive, but I do believe it is God's way of preparing my for motherhood. Me and my sweet boy are fighting over space in this confined body of mine. He is not on the same sleep schedule as me, and boy does he like to STRETCH! I love to put Colin's hand on my belly when Camden is especially active because it absolutely freaks him out. Sometimes my belly has one large hump on the right, sometimes you see an elbow or possible foot/hand brush by, the best is when he just pushes on both sides of my belly. Colin continues to ask what it feels like and it reminds me that this is such a miracle that I get to experience. To carry one of God's most precious gifts, I need to really remember how special this time is. Who knows if I will get this opportunity again?!
So, yesterday on the way home from church Colin and I discussed the sacrifice God made by sending down his only Son for us. I told him I have a whole new perspective now with baby Camden in our family. I can't imagine how hard that must have been to watch, to see your PERFECT Son die on a cross for all of us imperfect people. All along Jesus knew that was his story, He knew each of our names, and He loved us enough to die. What is crazy is He died for this little guy that I haven't even laid eyes on yet. He also knows everything about my son. My prayer has been that I can raise this child in God's plan and not mine, I have thanked God for allowing me to raise His child, and pray that I can be an example of Jesus to Camden in my life.
All this to say, Happy Easter from this turtle in Kentucky! Love you guys.
So, yesterday on the way home from church Colin and I discussed the sacrifice God made by sending down his only Son for us. I told him I have a whole new perspective now with baby Camden in our family. I can't imagine how hard that must have been to watch, to see your PERFECT Son die on a cross for all of us imperfect people. All along Jesus knew that was his story, He knew each of our names, and He loved us enough to die. What is crazy is He died for this little guy that I haven't even laid eyes on yet. He also knows everything about my son. My prayer has been that I can raise this child in God's plan and not mine, I have thanked God for allowing me to raise His child, and pray that I can be an example of Jesus to Camden in my life.
All this to say, Happy Easter from this turtle in Kentucky! Love you guys.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Update....36 weeks
So sorry to leave you hanging....We had our Dr's appointment on Wednesday and all was well with both of us! I was so happy to see his little face again during our ultrasound, and they confirmed he was still a boy....thank goodness. He is growing perfectly and looks to be 6 pounds 1 ounce, and the tech predicted about 8 pounds at delivery. He was sooooo big, and I may be a little biased and sooo cute. We saw his little fingers and toes and I just can't wait to hold and kiss every one of them. We are so close, at the most 4 weeks. My blood pressure was high, but the Dr didn't seem concerned and said that she was very pleased with both mom and baby. I go back on Monday for another neonatal stress test and BP check, and then Dr. Butler gets back Tuesday. I am willing to offer to pay for his next vacation if he agrees to stay in town for the next four weeks :)
All in all, I am feeling good. Tired and God is definately preparing me for motherhood. I have been up around 3 am the past few nights. Colin has been awake too and we have had some fun conversations in the wee hours. So thankful God has given me such an amazing husband, he is going to be such a great dad. We talk about what life will be like when Camden arrives. It will never be the two of us again, and I know that we are so thankful for the gift of parenthood, but don't want to miss out on these last few weeks together just the two of us. He has been such a huge help with cooking, massaging, and helping me put socks on (the little things).
I am at mom and dad's today gearing up for Stef's shower in honor of her sweet baby. Their court date is April 23rd so keep praying they pass. When they pass they will travel to Ethiopia within 20 days to pick up their little man. I just can't wait to celebrate with her and her upcoming arrival.
Happy Easter! Where would we be without the cross and God's greatest sacrifice? We are so blessed.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Dr's Appointment (Butler is on vacation)
As you know, I love my OB/GYN! Dr. Butler has been such a gift to us as we have walked through the last three years. This week he is on vacation, no big deal. Well, we are getting closer and closer to meeting my new friend, and I really have prayed he be the one that bring him into the world. So today, when I went in at 9 for a simple blood pressure check (5 minutes)and just walked out of the office at 10:40 I am a little freaked out. I met with another Dr. in his practice and she ordered a neonatal stress test (monitor of baby Camden), and that I start coming in twice a week. The reason you ask....my continued high blood pressure. As long as I am laying on my side I am good, if I am up and about it tends to get too high. They are paying close attention to be sure it stays in the pregnancy induced hyper-tension category and doesn't move into pre-eclampsia. I am excited about my appointment Wednesday, it looks like we are going to get an ultrasound so I will get to see my sweet little man again. It has been way too long, I haven't had a glimpse of that sweet face since week 20. I also asked the million dollar question...do you think I will go early? The response from the Dr was if I continue to develop symptoms, then most likely they will induce or take the baby. That is crazy! You know me, I am a women with a plan, and the plan has been May 7th the whole time.....but, I have also learned that my plan usually isn' t the same as God's and HE is ultimately the one in charge and has this great quality of perfect timing. I also listened to Mike Breaux's message from church and got these scriptures......
1 Corinthians 10:31 (New International Version)
31So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
Philippians 2:14-15 (The Message)
14-16Do everything readily and cheerfully—no bickering, no second-guessing allowed! Go out into the world uncorrupted, a breath of fresh air in this squalid and polluted society. Provide people with a glimpse of good living and of the living God. Carry the light-giving Message into the night so I'll have good cause to be proud of you on the day that Christ returns. You'll be living proof that I didn't go to all this work for nothing.
So, my goal is to lay on my left side and glorify God! I am goin to trust Him and know that He has me here in this position, this place, and this time for a reason. He is the creator and giver of life.....and my job right now is to help my sweet baby come into this world. (Please remind me of this, some days are easier than others). This is much different then round 1 bedrest. Love you guys.
1 Corinthians 10:31 (New International Version)
31So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
Philippians 2:14-15 (The Message)
14-16Do everything readily and cheerfully—no bickering, no second-guessing allowed! Go out into the world uncorrupted, a breath of fresh air in this squalid and polluted society. Provide people with a glimpse of good living and of the living God. Carry the light-giving Message into the night so I'll have good cause to be proud of you on the day that Christ returns. You'll be living proof that I didn't go to all this work for nothing.
So, my goal is to lay on my left side and glorify God! I am goin to trust Him and know that He has me here in this position, this place, and this time for a reason. He is the creator and giver of life.....and my job right now is to help my sweet baby come into this world. (Please remind me of this, some days are easier than others). This is much different then round 1 bedrest. Love you guys.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
We just need one more thing.....hmmmmm
......our little guy! We are anxiously awaiting sweet Camden's arrival and even on bedrest I am managing to get things done (amazing family and friends). The nursery is finally complete and I have posted some pix for you to enjoy. (there are more on Facebook, including pix of our closet).
Friday, April 3, 2009
My Poor Momma.....
Well, my poor mother is having to do my "nesting" for me. I am doing my best to help as much as I can from a seated position, however there isn't much to do. I did reorganize my cleaning supplies under the sink, and label Camden's containers in his closet. (I LOVE MY label maker). Mom helped me move all my baking supplies from one cabinet to the closet to make room for baby bottles and other miscellaneous supplies. My mom also made us dinner tonight. She is whipping up some chicken-n-dumplin's from Sandra Leigh. So all this to say, my mom is awesome and I hope that one day I can take care of her like this. Dad also came by and fed his girls for lunch. We snacked on a nice grilled chicken salad.....yummy!
As for me, I am feeling good. Still taking my blood pressure meds like a good 90 year old patient. Camden is kicking like a mad man, and is really winning the battle for real estate space in my body. I am just so thankful for such a great family that enjoys hanging out with me on these longs days of bedrest.
As for me, I am feeling good. Still taking my blood pressure meds like a good 90 year old patient. Camden is kicking like a mad man, and is really winning the battle for real estate space in my body. I am just so thankful for such a great family that enjoys hanging out with me on these longs days of bedrest.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Lucky Girl
I am going to have to post a picture later of the most amazing group of women I work(ed) with,(can't make that official yet). Today was my weekly trip out to lunch or dinner, and a few of my girls from TLS met up at Saul Good (amazing). It was so nice to eath outside and talk and laugh together. After lunch, Jaci and I went over to school to pack up all my stuff. (If you didn't know I have a large collection of M&M's that decorate our classroom). Don't worry she brought everything over to me to wrap up and place in my container. Well, right after Jaci and I got to school who walks in? The other half of the K team, Tracy and Dom (plus sweet baby Ainsley, Camden's girlfriend). They had a bottle of sparkling grape juice, cookies, magazines, and of course a target gift card. Well as soon as they all walked in, I lost it! I was already struggling packing up the room with Jaci, (and Jaci and I were avoiding the conversation so we wouldn't cry). I feel so loved, and so lucky to have been given the last three years with these amazing ladies. God put us together, and I honesly LOVED my job. I looked forward to working and seeing their faces each day.
Next step, I would like to go in one day and say good-bye to my kids. I didn't even let my mind go there today. I looked at a few pix on the computer, but man, what an amazing group. I just love their sweet hearts. I will most likely head back after next week. So, I just wanted to let you know that during this time I am so very thankful for the opportunity to work at TLS, with such an amazing group of friends.
Dom, Jaci, Trace.....you know how much I love you. You know how much you mean to me, and you know you have not seen the last of me (well hopefully soon I won't be sporting this belly, I gots to get ready for the mango tango).
Next step, I would like to go in one day and say good-bye to my kids. I didn't even let my mind go there today. I looked at a few pix on the computer, but man, what an amazing group. I just love their sweet hearts. I will most likely head back after next week. So, I just wanted to let you know that during this time I am so very thankful for the opportunity to work at TLS, with such an amazing group of friends.
Dom, Jaci, Trace.....you know how much I love you. You know how much you mean to me, and you know you have not seen the last of me (well hopefully soon I won't be sporting this belly, I gots to get ready for the mango tango).
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Bedrest Round 2
Well.....Doctor Butler has advised me to go back on bedrest for the duration of my pregnancy (5 more weeks). My blood pressure has continued to stay elevated, and he thinks that it would be best for me to stop working and keep the ol' feet up. I have permission to attend church and a dinner once a week....thank goodness. I think the nurses believe I am crazy because when they walked out of the room after telling me about bedrest again I started sobbing. I really thought I would make it through the month of April teaching with my team and spending time with my kids. I am really sad that I won't be returning to work, but I do know that I need to be thankful that baby Camden is doing so well and that my Doctor knows what is best! I have started a low dosage of blood pressure meds (like I am 90), and go back on Monday to recheck the BP, if it is still high they will up the dosage. Dr. B is on vacation next week, so Camden is not going anywhere until he gets back. My mom is currently in the kitchen making us dinner for tonight and is back on "duty." She is amazing. Tomorrow I am taking my field trip to Saul Good with the TLS girls and then heading to school to watch Jaci pack up all my stuff.
So thankful that our little guy is doing so well, and that I have this time to relax before he gets here. I am sure once he arrives I am going to miss these quiet days on the couch! Love you guys and thanks for praying.
So thankful that our little guy is doing so well, and that I have this time to relax before he gets here. I am sure once he arrives I am going to miss these quiet days on the couch! Love you guys and thanks for praying.
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