Sunday, May 31, 2009
Nana's Here!
We are so happy to have Colin's mom with us for the week. She has helped with feedings, diaper changes, and just simply loved on her sweet grandson. We cooked out last night and went to church this morning. It has just been so nice spending time with Colin's momma.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
We are home....
I just finished feeding my sweet boy 2oz of formula. He has kept down all feedings for 24 hours now. Praise God! I will post the story at another was the longest 24 hours of our life, from the pediatrician, to the ultrasounds, to the surgeon at UK Children's Hospital and eventually surgery. God was so, so faithful and he gave us an opportunity to share our story with one of the nurses. He and his wife are struggling to get pregnant and he just mentioned that there next step was invitro. The crazy thing is the conversation never would have happened had we left when we were originally discharged, long story.
Thank you for praying, encouraging, and loving us. Off to bed. I'm wide awake, I haven't had 4 hours consecutive sleep since Monday night.
Thank you for praying, encouraging, and loving us. Off to bed. I'm wide awake, I haven't had 4 hours consecutive sleep since Monday night.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Good News!
Our little guy did great through surgery and we are all back together in our room. Camden is currently attemting to eat his first two ounces of formula (keep your fingers crossed it stays down). If he can keep two feedings down we get to go home tonight.....and man would we love to go home. UK has been amazing and so caring, but there is truly no place like home.
Thank you for your prayers.....I will write more later....when I can think clearer, not good on two hours of sleep.
Thank you for your prayers.....I will write more later....when I can think clearer, not good on two hours of sleep.
Well, I can't sleep, I have tried everything but nothing is working so I decided to go ahead and blog about our day with Camden. As you know, this past weekend we started seeing more and more spit up from our little guy to today we feel it was full on vomit (TMI?). We had been calling into our pediatrician and following all the steps they had given us, we just weren't seeing any relief for our little guy, and today he was getting sick after every feeding and we only had one wet diaper in 12 hours. I called the Dr around 9 and we scheduled an appointment for 2:00. I was ready to go at 9AM, so I was thankful that my mom and dad came over and loved on Camden while I showered, ate lunch....they helped the time pass. Colin was bound and determined to meet us at the Doctor....which I am so thankful for. I honestly thought going into the appointment we were going to be given a prescription for reflux of switch formula, so you can imagine our shock when the Dr. told us to go and have an ultrasound so he could rule out a condition called Pylonic Stenosis, which is only treated surgically. Even during the ultrasound I thought we were just jumping through hoops, never did I ever think we would go back to the Dr after the ultrasound to hear that he did indeed have this little condition. This is a very treatable condition, typically found in first born males. His little muscle between his stomach and intestines is extremely strong and keeping food from passing through. The surgery is laproscopically (sp) and will leave two punctures on each side of his belly, with a majority of the procedure through his belly button. Our Dr. gave us a choice to redo the ultrasound in a few days to reconfigure measurments of this little muscle or to go on down to UK Children's Hospital and meet with a surgeon. I was so tired of seeing my little boy not hold down food, and knew that the next step had to be UK. The car ride down to the hospital was tearful for me...imagining my little guy in surgery...he's five weeks old! I just prayed that God would show up in a big way. Give us peace. When we arrived at the Children's Hospital admin the surgeon was waiting for us...expecting us, greeted us...answered questions, encouraged us. He was amazing.
Now my little guy, who has not eaten since noon (and not allowed to eat), is sleeping peacefully as I type. (So is my husband, I don't know how, I will post a picture of our bed, it's a couch that is about the size of a twin bed). Camden is such a trooper, it's just hard to see your child hooked up to an IV and know he is having surgery. He is scheduled to go in tomorrow morning at 730 AM (he could be bumped if an emergecy comes in). The staff has told us over and over how routine this procedure is (they do 5-7 a week). The hardest part is the anesthsia for Camden, the actual procedure takes 10 minutes. The surgeon told us that there was more risk driving him to the hospital today then in this surgery.
Our experience has been so good, we are so blessed, and God is always Good. I will post again soon....I am going to try and shut my eyes and sleep a few hours. Love you guys and thanks for the prayers.
Em, Colin, and Camden
Now my little guy, who has not eaten since noon (and not allowed to eat), is sleeping peacefully as I type. (So is my husband, I don't know how, I will post a picture of our bed, it's a couch that is about the size of a twin bed). Camden is such a trooper, it's just hard to see your child hooked up to an IV and know he is having surgery. He is scheduled to go in tomorrow morning at 730 AM (he could be bumped if an emergecy comes in). The staff has told us over and over how routine this procedure is (they do 5-7 a week). The hardest part is the anesthsia for Camden, the actual procedure takes 10 minutes. The surgeon told us that there was more risk driving him to the hospital today then in this surgery.
Our experience has been so good, we are so blessed, and God is always Good. I will post again soon....I am going to try and shut my eyes and sleep a few hours. Love you guys and thanks for the prayers.
Em, Colin, and Camden
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
We are heading to the Doctor today at 2 after another long night with baby Camden. He seems to spit up 3-4 hours after his last feeding....and I mean spit up hit the wall, cover the sheets and onsie type of spit up. We just want to be sure we are doing everything we need to for our little guy. One thing they told us was to keep him upright 30 minutes after he eats. Here is our attempt at keeping him upright...
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
5 weeks....
I am still having a hard time believing I am a mommy. I look into the monitor at night and see that sleeping baby (or screaming) and just thank God for this opportunity to raise His child. Camden is definately awake more during the day now and has that infamous "fussy" time during the evening. He just wants to be in his mommy or daddy's arms during that time and we love that snuggle time. We have also embarked on this journey of spitting up....not every time, but when he does it is a wammy. I have a call into the Dr today, probably over-reacting but I just don't like it when my child wakes up in the middle of the night with half his head covered in spit-up, or choking. Talk about freaking out, I shed some tears last night because I just feel so powerless. We have switched to the Dr. Brown's bottles and are hoping that helps alleviate the amount of air he is sucking down. Right now my little guy is swining away and sleeping. He will wake up around 11 for another bottle. We go between eating 3oz and 4oz and our schedule tends to change daily. You know me and my routines, I am just trying to be flexible and do what he needs. We tend to eat every 3-4 hours and at night he sleeps up to 6 hours. We are so lucky, he is a great baby and I LOVE HIM!
Also, such good news from my friend Stefany. She and her husband Nate made it to Ethiopia safe and sound and they have met, held, kissed, loved, ect their sweet baby Jordan. Their official court date is on Thursday so please pray all goes smoothly. I am so excited because a week from today we are all meeting the Head family at the airport to welcome Baby Jordan to Kentucky....he's a really big deal!
PS any suggestions on formula, bottles....spitting up is much appreciated!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Family Photo Shoot by Melanie Mauer
Check out this will be up for the next six days.
Date Night...
Colin and I are so exciting because tomorrow night we are having a date night! Don't get me wrong, we LOVE spending each and every night with out sweet little boy, but we are really looking forward to having a night with the two of us. Grandma and Grandaddy have even offered to keep baby Camden over night. We will post pictures of our big night out.....which will probably entail us coming home and going to bed by 830 for at least 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep, how romantic?
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Happy 1 Month!
My little guy at 4 weeks!
Well, it's been four weeks (almost exactly as I type this) since we were blessed with sweet baby Camden. He has changed so much through the last 28 days! He is staying awake longer between feedings, and seems to be way more alert. We are waiting on pins and needles for the first smile (well at least mommy is). Colin got his first smile this past Sunday, everyone is entitled to their own first smile! We have really enjoyed the recent weather and today we actually took two walks! He has been a wee bit more fussy throughout the day, but I do love that his eyes are open and we are getting to break in our swings, stroller, and backporch. We have really enjoyed the day! Uncle Mac came over to visit along with Grandma and Grandpa. Daddy is going to hang with Camden tonight so I can go find a dress to wear to a wedding this weekend. Wish me luck, not much on clothes right now, I mean I wear them, but I look terrible. Ready for my training sessions to begin and to lose this baby weight (plus some). YUK!
Enjoy the picture of my big guy sitting on the couch chillin'.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Boob Peas
Love, love, love this guy....he is the best husband and daddy!
First of all I have to brag on my husband....he is the BEST daddy ever. I am falling in love with him all over again as I watch him take on this new role. I am so impressed with his ability to balance me out, and just simply choose to LOVE our little guy. He does everything...including changed every poopy diaper this weekend and took the 3AM night feedings so I could sleep. For those of you who know me, I am a stickler for structure and Camden has taken to a bit of a routine, but things change. For example he is not eating 2oz anymore, and when he moved to 3oz it freaked me out. First off, the bottles changed, next my body stopped supplying what my sweet by was demanding. This was mainly because the first weekend when we brought our sweet boy home I stopped actually breast feeding and pumped and fed him so we knew exactly what he was getting. I have heard when you simply pump your body usually doesn't keep up with the demand of the little one. So this past Friday I decided to stop pumping and to put Camden on formula (he was on forumla through the night and b-milk through the day). My husband was so supportive because I was really upset that I couldn't keep up. I really wanted to provide for Camden a wee bit longer. Well I conference with a few of my friends about the process of stopping the production of milk.....little did I know how painful this process would be. My friends instructed me to pump less times a day for less amount of time. The first day I did this and applied ice packs. Well the ice packs weren't doint it for me, so again Colin steps in. He goes downstairs where I hear a large amount of sound coming from the kitchen. I think he is creating an ice sculpture....well, when he came back to our room he had in hand two ziplock bags full of peas. The ziplock bags had targets on the side (so I knew where to apply the bag), and a label (which I love labels) that simply said "boob peas." I couldn't stop laughing...even though it hurt. As for today, I am doing really well. Pumping about 5 minutes in the morning and evening...with the hope of once time tomorrow and the next day and then being back to normal.
Oh, and Camden will be one month old tomorrow....4 weeks! I will take a picture of my sweet little guy and post it. Love ya'll.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
3 weeks...can you believe it?
Oh my goodness, I can't believe it has already been three weeks. We are getting into a routine here at the Stout house, I am sure just in time for Camden to switch things up. We are enjoying every minute with our little guy, even the ones in the middle of the night. We are anxiously awaiting that first smile.....I hear it happens between week 4 and 6.....The funny things that Camden is doing right now you ask? He saves his BIG blow out poo's for daddy time. Colin gets to feed Camden at 6PM and 10PM and this is when Camden tends to let it all out. He is not a big fan of bath time, but seems to be enjoying his afternoon strolls around the neighborhood. Enjoy the pictures and no, I can't believe how much he has changed in just a few short weeks.
Week 3
Week 2
Week 1
Day 1
First Family Picture
Week 3
Week 2
Week 1
Day 1
First Family Picture
Monday, May 11, 2009
The Love Dare
Colin and I are started a little bible study together last night. It is from the movie Fireproof (I think that is Kirk Cameron's movie), and it is entitled The Love Dare.
The Love Dare personally leads you through daily devotionals, records your thoughts and experiences, and ends each day daring you to perform a simple act of love for your spouse. This 40-Day journey equips you to melt hardened, separated hearts into an enduring love that can withstand the flames of fear, pride and temptation. The Love Dare book will help you reinforce and enrich your marriage, earn back a love you thought was lost, and hear more about the One who not only designed unconditional, sacrificial love—He illustrated it.
So, yesterday was all about patience....which Colin is really good at. My patience has improved over the past month upon becoming a mom, but there is definately room for improvement. Today the dare is to be encouraging and slow to anger....exibit patience. I need to build up my sweet husband, and not break him down. I will let you know how today far so good. I haven't really seen him, so this dare is pretty easy....patience is a virtue.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mother's Day 2009
Happy Mother's Day!!!!
For all those who know could say a good nickname for me is Anal Annie. Well I couldn't resist cleaning out and reorganizing her was so much fun. When I was finished I couldn't stop opening and looking at it, so I just took a picture. (mom I will be checking to make sure it stays like this).
Proud Uncle Mac and Aunt Whitney (they take such good care of our little man)
My mom and dad hosted a cookout at their house to celebrate Mother's Day. It was so yummy....and we had to take a picture without the significant others....three generations.
The Stout Family
Me and my momma
Me and my boy...our first Mother's Day
What an incredible weekend. My sweet hubs made it a three day stretch of pampering and gifts for my first Mother's Day. On Friday, he brought home the beautiful flowers. On Saturday, he brought home two new pair of Dansko's, my favorite shoe ever. (the joke is I have had the same two pair for about five years and he has said I will continue to wear that pair until the soul wears down. They are really durable shoes and the souls do not wear down!!). Last night at 3AM our little guy had some gas and was fussy, so while we were up he gave me my final installment...a beautiful necklace with Camden's birthstone and a decorative tile with the following inscription...."A mother is one who strengthens you with prayers, blesses you with love and eccourages you with hope." I have the best husband in the world and am taking suggestions for creative Father's Day gifts....although I know the best gift would be a weekend of hunting. I just have a hard time giving him up for a whole weekend, especially with the baby now, but that would be good :) Enjoy the pictures! Happy Mother's Day to all! Love ya.
For all those who know could say a good nickname for me is Anal Annie. Well I couldn't resist cleaning out and reorganizing her was so much fun. When I was finished I couldn't stop opening and looking at it, so I just took a picture. (mom I will be checking to make sure it stays like this).
Proud Uncle Mac and Aunt Whitney (they take such good care of our little man)
My mom and dad hosted a cookout at their house to celebrate Mother's Day. It was so yummy....and we had to take a picture without the significant others....three generations.
The Stout Family
Me and my momma
Me and my boy...our first Mother's Day
What an incredible weekend. My sweet hubs made it a three day stretch of pampering and gifts for my first Mother's Day. On Friday, he brought home the beautiful flowers. On Saturday, he brought home two new pair of Dansko's, my favorite shoe ever. (the joke is I have had the same two pair for about five years and he has said I will continue to wear that pair until the soul wears down. They are really durable shoes and the souls do not wear down!!). Last night at 3AM our little guy had some gas and was fussy, so while we were up he gave me my final installment...a beautiful necklace with Camden's birthstone and a decorative tile with the following inscription...."A mother is one who strengthens you with prayers, blesses you with love and eccourages you with hope." I have the best husband in the world and am taking suggestions for creative Father's Day gifts....although I know the best gift would be a weekend of hunting. I just have a hard time giving him up for a whole weekend, especially with the baby now, but that would be good :) Enjoy the pictures! Happy Mother's Day to all! Love ya.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Happy Nana's Day!
Camden wanted to send out a special message to his Nana in Texas....see ya soon. Love, Camden PS Colin meant to say Happy Mother's Day at the end....
Friday, May 8, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Camden's Due Date...
Today is May 7th, the day that our sweet boy was orignally due. God has given us two and half extra weeks with him and we are just enjoying the new role He has given us as parents. Here are some things that we love about this new chapter. *I love the night feedings, Camden and I listen to my ipod and pray for friends *I love the 9AM feeding, we read books together and I pray over my little guy (Thanks Leigh for all those great scriptures) *I love when I look at my boy and his eyes cross (I usually cry when that happens for some reason) *I love watching my husband as a Dad. *I love our family time at 10PM where we all pile in bed for a feeding, prayer, and story. *I LOVE being a mom! I can't believe this weekend I get to celebrate Mother's Day. *I love celebrating this new life with family and friends. *I love watching Camden hold Grandaddy's and Uncle Mac's hands. *I love watching Grandma talk and love on my boy. *I love that he is gaining weight and growing *I love that God called us to be Camden's parents and that we get to watch him grow. *I love watching him stretch as he is waking up. I could go on and on.....I love this little miracle. PS Dad said he smiled at him last night during his 6PM feeding, so jealous I missed it!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Doctor's Report
Little Guy ready for the Doctor
Yesterday we ventured out to the Doctor. I had to go to Dr. Butler to have my blood pressure checked (115/80), and have been cut back to one BP pill a day. I was thrilled to show off my little man to the office staff. I feel like they are family, I had been visiting their office 2-3 times a week over the past few months! Dr. Butler was sweet to come and visit us, and of course make me cry. He asked if I ever thought I could love something so much? I have decided that Camden is my heart living and breathing. Dr. Butler was very encouraging and asked me to come back in in two weeks to recheck the BP and I am hoping to be done with the meds.
Camden's appointment went well too. We saw Dr. Hosinski again, who is so great! She gave us a clean bill of health and answered all of our psycho new parenting questions. One big thing is our little guy is almost back to his birth weight, he is 6 pounds 15.5 ounces (he's gained an ounce a day since our jaundice battle). He has also grown an inch and a half. No more with the 2 ounce bottles, my big man has moved onto three ounces and I am afraid the demand for breastmilk is overtaking the supply and I may be moving to formula (sorry babe, not budget savy).
We also changed up his night routine and we have cut out one of the night feedings (so far). However, I didn't sleep well because more food has produced spit-up. I don't like the thought of my little guy spitting up and choking in the middle of the night. I think that tonight I will have no choice but to sleep from pure exhaustion. It is just a season and I am loving every moment I get with him whether it be during the day or the middle of the night. He is the best.
I am going to try and go to church tonight for an all worship service. Colin said he would love to have some Daddy time. We shall see how I feel, right now I am just plum tired. Enjoy the pix.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Back to the Doctor...
(my boys)
Tomorrow we head back to the Doctor, both of us. I go in to have my blood pressure checked and baby Camden is heading in for his two week check-up. Can you believe our sweet baby is 2 weeks? I can't. We are still feeding on the 3's, and our little guy in pounding 2 oz during each feeding. He is just precious. My favorite time of day is our 9AM feeding we read books together and I pray over him (Thanks Leigh for all the great scriptures). Thusfar I haven't gotten through this time without tears. I just love this little gift. I have posted a picture of Colin, Camden, and Sampson. Sampson just loves his little brother. The three boys snuggle up on the couch during feeding time. Enjoy. I will keep you posted on our Dr's appointments tomorrow. Love ya.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Derby Party!!
Well we had our first adventure out of the Stout house this weekend, all the way over to Grandma's house. Camden got to dress up in a really cute outfit and also try out Grandma and Grandaddy's nursery. He was a champ! While our little guy slept we all enjoyed the Derby and an incredible dinner. It was a wonderful night and so nice to get out. We also had a friendly wager with the Derby. We all put in $2 and drew two horses. If your horse won you got 2/3's of the pot, second got 1/3 of the pot, and 3rd got their $2 back. We wouldn't you know, I WON! Horse number eight, increcible!! You will see my celebratory picture above. Flo came in second (my cousin's awesome girlfriend), and Whitney got third (my brother's awesome fiance). Enjoy the pictures.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Big Weekend....
We are taking our first adventure out (to Grandma's, who has her very own nursery for Camden). My uncle, aunt, cousin, and his girlfriend (pretty much fiance) are all in town to visit the little man. Mom was so kind to volunteer to cook a big meal at her house so we could all go. I am not taking Camden out until he has his first round of shots (rec by pediatrician). We have gone on a few walks, and gone to dinner but this is our first big night where I am going to dress him in something really to follow. Here are some snapshots of Uncle Rick and my cousin Stephen loving on Camden. Enjoy!
We are also celebrating with my dear friends Nate and Stef tonight. They are bringing us dinner and we are going to celebrate their sweet son, Jordan. They will be leaving for Ethiopia on either May 10th or May 24th to go a see and bring home their baby boy! What a great way to start off the weekend. I will keep ya posted. Love ya.
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