Well, I can't sleep, I have tried everything but nothing is working so I decided to go ahead and blog about our day with Camden. As you know, this past weekend we started seeing more and more spit up from our little guy to today we feel it was full on vomit (TMI?). We had been calling into our pediatrician and following all the steps they had given us, we just weren't seeing any relief for our little guy, and today he was getting sick after every feeding and we only had one wet diaper in 12 hours. I called the Dr around 9 and we scheduled an appointment for 2:00. I was ready to go at 9AM, so I was thankful that my mom and dad came over and loved on Camden while I showered, ate lunch....they helped the time pass. Colin was bound and determined to meet us at the Doctor....which I am so thankful for. I honestly thought going into the appointment we were going to be given a prescription for reflux of switch formula, so you can imagine our shock when the Dr. told us to go and have an ultrasound so he could rule out a condition called Pylonic Stenosis, which is only treated surgically. Even during the ultrasound I thought we were just jumping through hoops, never did I ever think we would go back to the Dr after the ultrasound to hear that he did indeed have this little condition. This is a very treatable condition, typically found in first born males. His little muscle between his stomach and intestines is extremely strong and keeping food from passing through. The surgery is laproscopically (sp) and will leave two punctures on each side of his belly, with a majority of the procedure through his belly button. Our Dr. gave us a choice to redo the ultrasound in a few days to reconfigure measurments of this little muscle or to go on down to UK Children's Hospital and meet with a surgeon. I was so tired of seeing my little boy not hold down food, and knew that the next step had to be UK. The car ride down to the hospital was tearful for me...imagining my little guy in surgery...he's five weeks old! I just prayed that God would show up in a big way. Give us peace. When we arrived at the Children's Hospital admin the surgeon was waiting for us...expecting us, greeted us...answered questions, encouraged us. He was amazing.
Now my little guy, who has not eaten since noon (and not allowed to eat), is sleeping peacefully as I type. (So is my husband, I don't know how, I will post a picture of our bed, it's a couch that is about the size of a twin bed). Camden is such a trooper, it's just hard to see your child hooked up to an IV and know he is having surgery. He is scheduled to go in tomorrow morning at 730 AM (he could be bumped if an emergecy comes in). The staff has told us over and over how routine this procedure is (they do 5-7 a week). The hardest part is the anesthsia for Camden, the actual procedure takes 10 minutes. The surgeon told us that there was more risk driving him to the hospital today then in this surgery.
Our experience has been so good, we are so blessed, and God is always Good. I will post again soon....I am going to try and shut my eyes and sleep a few hours. Love you guys and thanks for the prayers.
Em, Colin, and Camden