Sunday, October 12, 2008

Day 4

What a wonderful day!! Colin woke me up this morning with fresh fruit and a bowl of cheerios. (he joked that he had bought a hole watermelon and carved a basket and roses out of the shell of the large funny). We had a blast last night at church and had a nice dinner in with friends. I do think that I went up and down the steps a few too many times as my bleeding was a little too heavy last night (sorry for the details), so it was my mission to lay in bed/couch most of the day and not go up and down the steps more that three times. I did it, and I have not bled or cramped much today, praise God. Thank you for praying too.

We had our friends D and Lauren over for dinner (we missed you Vandee and Leann). D and Lauren picked up some really good pizza and we really enjoyed catching up with them. I think that we are going to propose to Vandee and Leann that we read the Five Love Languages as a group over the next few months (or more). We shall see, I know that I have time to read!!

Lauren bought me the first book in the Twilight series and I read the first 50 pages in thirty minutes. That is a good sign that I will continue to read and most likely finish the book. I am also hoping to get my hands on The Shack.

My friend Stef is on fall break this week and planning on coming over to read outside tomorrow. I just love the thought of having someone here to talk or simply just hang out and co-exist. My sweet mom has planned a big get together on Wednesday. My Aunts and mom are making food and bringing it over for lunch. I can't wait to spend time with her sisters....I always enjoy the conversation and laughter they bring. So far no big trips out of the house planned. I feel like the bed-rest really does pay off.

Love you guys,

1 comment:

Kendra White said...

what day can JOhn Hunter and I have... we will break you in for baby stout really well!