Sunday, August 17, 2008


After awaking at 5 am blogging, then cleaning the house, and preparing some biscuits for Colin I hopped in the shower in anticipation of our 7:45 appt with Dr. Akin. We were the first "customers" of the morning. We were taken back to the same room where we had the infamous IV issues, but today it was putting on a paper gown that was tough for me. I ripped one gown straight down the middle and then the other at my arm. Wow, really? After the gown issues, Dr. Akin came in with the results and rankings of our 11 embryos. They were ranked 1-4, 1 considered dead, 2 low possibility of success, 3 moderate success, 4 high success in pregnancy. Here are how the baby Stout embryos were laid out.
We were sad to see the low numbers, but immediately remembered God was in control and it was an answered prayer. Next we had to decide how many to implant. Dr. Akin stated if you were a rule follower we should implant two, and if you travel 10 miles over the speed limit, three. I told him he was looking at one of each. I was convinced that we should do two and Colin really felt like we needed to do three. Dr. Akin left the room for us to chat, and eventually Colin twisted my arm and we went with three. The good Dr. brought in a picture of all three of our little embryos, (that is now hanging on our fridge), and led us back to the room. Colin was allowed to come with me today and it was a very simple, pain free procedure. What was really cool was that they had an ultrasound on my belly so we could see the little embryos inside. One flew immediately up to the top of my uterus and Dr. Akin made a comment about that one beinga rowdy boy. (let's hope!!)
Our percentages of getting pregnant with one baby is 70%, twins 40%, and triplets 10%. We are thrilled with these numbers, and rest assure that if we are to become pregnant it will happen in God's timing. Gayle looked at us as we left and are pregnant right now, let's just hope they implant and stay around 9 months. :) We love ya.


Leigh said...

Emily, that is about the coolest thing I have ever heard. I had no idea you were able to watch the little guys (or girls) via ultrasound. Very, very cool. Hooray!!!! for going with Colin on the 3!!!! I am a rule follower, too. But, I think this is one time you will be glad you bent the rules just the tiniest little bit!!! Hang in there. We're praying over here at the Ranson house!

Nathan and Stefany Head said...

Praying at the Head house, too! We love ya!

Kendra White said...

The White House is praying as well! We love you guys..!!!

Unknown said...

Awesome..just awesome. We prayed for you tonight and Allen Mays did too, well he was at least with us when Todd prayed! Rest tonight in the comfort of knowing God's got these little ones in the palm of His hand!!!

Marie said...

Em, I am so excited for you guys! We left town for the weekend so I had to catch up this morning. We will be praying for you in the King household too, well in our temporary house ;0) Sorry, lil London joke.

Love ya girl and remember, everything will work for His glory, His will...

Peace Out